Thursday, December 20, 2012

Class V School Safety

FWD from Front Sight Owner Dr. Piazza

For Immediate Release: Monday, December 17, 2012
Dear Benjamin,
Please Forward to Your Local Newspapers, Radio Stations, and Television News Stations, Congress Reps, and School Districts.
Back in 1999 I gave our nation the solution to stop innocent children from being slaughtered.
Every year since then, I have given the nation the solution. Isn't it time our nation allows Front Sight to provide the solution, free of charge?
I'm angered that more children have to die when I have the solution for every school in America and I am willing to pay for it.
Subject: Gun School For Teachers
Las Vegas, Nevada: In the wake of the yet another senseless school massacre, I ask all our politicians, law enforcement officials, and school administrators one simply question:
How many more children have to die before we will find the testicular fortitude, as a nation, to put in place REAL policies that will stop a deranged gunman in his tracks, before he can commit mass murder on innocent and defenseless children?
How many times do I have to offer the nation THE solution?
What the hell is wrong with the leaders of our country? Find a pair, and make the RIGHT decision to protect our children, not more of the wrong decisions that create the opportunity for the next lunatic to murder at will with zero resistance!
Once again, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, arguably the world leader in providing intensified courses in the defensive use of firearms for private citizens, has the answer to stopping further attacks on school children. Front Sight will once again offer free firearms training to any school administrator, teachers, or full time staff members designated as school Safety Monitors.
Front Sight will accept for training up to three staff members from each school, college or university.
Applicants must submit a letter requesting training on school letterhead signed by the top school district official and designating the applicant as the school's Safety Monitor.
Please forward this e-mail to your state and federal legislators, local law enforcement departments and your child's school administrator, as well as your friends and family, asking them to do the same.
Guns and Teachers
As Front Sight's Founder and Director, I understand my offer to train armed school teachers may offend some school administrators and parents who do not see arming and training selected school staff members as a positive solution to violent attacks. However, historically, my approach has worked while gun control has actually increased violent crime by shifting the balance of power to favor the criminals and lunatics.
My offer is not a new idea. In the early 70's, Israel was faced with much greater problems of armed terrorist attacks on schools. The cry for more gun control was heard then too, but Israel very carefully analyzed all possible options before adopting the proactive position of arming and training their teachers. School shootings stopped and terrorists looked for easier targets. Gun control never has and never will stop criminals and madmen from carrying out acts of gun violence.
Israeli School Kids with Armed Teacher
Here is the reason why there are no school shooting in Israel. Wake up America!
In our country, every time a misguided individual on psychiatric drugs goes on a killing spree, anti self-defense legislators, watch the polls and exploit the dead victims in order to fool the public into accepting more gun control. It is time our country finds some resolve and the will to tackle the real problem, which is rooting out the actual influences in the lives people hat predispose them to commit atrocities. The problem is not guns. Guns don't cause these incidents to occur any more than cameras cause child pornography or automobiles cause traffic fatalities.
Israel had the right answer. Society is safer when we train and arm our law abiding citizens. As the defensive training leader in the USA, Front Sight is willing and able to set the example for the rest of the country to follow.
Armed Teachers
Dave Clark, who recently retired after teaching for the last 25 years at Junction Junior High School in Livermore, California agrees with Front Sight's philosophy. In fact, Mr. Clark has previously attended a Four Day Defensive Handgun course at Front Sight at his own expense and found the course to be exactly what is needed to train fellow teachers to stop an attack similar to Columbine school and Virginia Tech. "Front Sight provides safe and responsible training to a level that exceeds law enforcement standards." Says Mr. Clark. "Among the many lessons taught, I learned universally accepted rules in justifiable use of deadly force. More importantly, I learned when not to shoot and how to be more mentally prepared to see a lethal confrontation coming before it happens in order to avoid it. The firearms training is second to none and clearly gives the graduates the skill needed to save the lives of those in their charge if ever attacked. If my school district chose to adopt a policy of sending selected teachers to Front Sight for concealed handgun training, I would wholeheartedly support it and volunteer as a Safety Monitor. There is no reason for our children to continue to be victimized when free, professional training is available to stop school attacks."
Guns in Schools
There is evidence that a gun in the hand of a teacher will stop an armed attacker. The vice-principal of a school in Pearl, Mississippi used his handgun to stop and detain an armed killer until the police arrived. It seems obvious that armed and trained staff members inside the school are in a better position to identify the attackers and do something immediately to resolve the situation. It is much harder for police, who arrive on the scene too late to stop the killing.
Lawmakers With Blood on Their Hands
An obstacle to training and arming teachers is the current law in many states prohibiting the possession of firearms on school grounds even when the possessor is qualified and has a concealed weapons license.
Understand that those laws did not prevent or stop the gun violence at numerous schools over the last ten years. The brazen attacks in school after school during the last decade indicate criminals have concluded that 'Gun-Free-School-Zone' actually means 'Government Certified, Helpless and Unarmed Victim Zone.'
Schools Can't Afford to Pass on No Cost Security
Most school districts cannot afford to have even one full time police officer in every school, but they can easily afford to train three or more of their selected staff members to a higher level of firearms training than offered in police academies because Front Sight will provide the training at no cost.
Retired law enforcement firearms instructor, Mike Waidelich from Bakersfield, California strongly supports the Front Sight concept of arming and training teachers. "Nearly every tragedy on or off school grounds in the entire 30 years of my law enforcement career could have been prevented or the damage done considerably limited, by the presence of an armed and trained individual."
Concealed Guns
The training provided in Front Sight's basic training classes easily exceeds the training provided in most police basic training academies.
Front Sight proved it on their nationally televised reality series Front Sight Challenge. 80 Seasoned law enforcement officers from around the country went head-to-head in tests of marksmanship, speed and tactics against 80 private citizens-- including teachers-- who had not received any training other than Front Sight's firearms courses. Remarkably, the Front Sight trained, private citizens won over half of every contest.
Teachers will be trained to carry a concealed weapon, so potential attackers will not know which teachers are armed and which are not. In states that have adopted concealed weapon laws for private citizens, violent crime has dropped. School attacks will drop as well once it is known that any of the teachers and staff members on school grounds have the ability and training to stop a violent attack immediately.
There is also scientific research that supports Front Sight's stance on concealed weapon training from John Lott, Jr. at University of Chicago School of Law who published Crime, Deterrence and Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns in July 1996. Mr. Lott's research of cross-sectional time-series data from all 3054 U.S. counties from 1977 to 1992 found that allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons deters violent crime and appears to produce no increase in accidental deaths. If those states which did not have right-to-carry concealed handgun provisions had adopted them in 1992, approximately 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, and over 60,000 aggravated assaults would have been avoided yearly.
Gun Control Increases Violent Crime
How many times must we experience another Littleton, Colorado or Virginia Tech or Newtown Connecticut massacre before we wake up, study the research and adopt policies which actually reduce crime and begin saving our children instead of leaving them helpless victims when the next psych drug user snaps?
Gun control increases violent crime yet some politicians continue to tout disarming law abiding citizens as a solution. Front Sight has a better solution.
Arm and train school teachers to carry a concealed weapon. And post a DIFFERENT sign outside of ever school!
Look for the RIGHT sign all over America. They are in front of the homes of armed and trained Front Sight students. If you were a deranged murderer, which house would you invade? One with an armed and trained occupant with a Front Sight sign or one who had a "Gun Free Zone" sign in his yard? The answer is simply to any rational person.
Don't have a sign? Get one here:
It is time WE WAKE UP and start providing REAL protection for our children in schools. Front Sight stands ready, willing and able to train every teacher in America if that is what it takes! Help us protect your children by demanding YOUR school send their teachers to Front Sight!
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
7975 Cameron Drive, #900
Windsor, CA 95492

To see past items sent go to:

Class V Repeat to help them remember

Send this one to everyone whom you sent the last.
FYI I have offered the state of Utah guns at cost and ammo at $1 over
cost per box to everyone who becomes a student defender with this
program. If you can ease the finacial burden on the school districts
whithin your own states by contact you have then make it happen.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ignatius Piazza <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:24 AM
Subject: Front Sight Special Blog: Our Message is Being Heard, Keep it Moving

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Dr. Ignatius Piazza
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Dear Benjamin,
Since the day after the Columbine shooting in 1999, I have been
publically advocating two solutions to protect our children from
mass murder.
Initially my two solutions were taken as being too radical and
self-promoting, even though I offered to back my solutions with my
wallet and train every teacher on my dime, free of charge.
Well, a dozen school shooting later, the most horrific of those
being the recent Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, my solutions
are now being championed by law enforcement, legislators, and
everyone who can look at the situation in a rational and
intellectual manner.
Since 1999 I have said the solution to STOP school shootings is a two
pronged attack...
1. Arm and train teachers and school administrators to be the first
line of defense against lunatics bent on murdering our school
2. Ban the prescription of psychiatric drugs that are the root
cause of the homicidal and suicidal acts of kids and adults alike,
as evidenced by the fact that prior to the creation and mass
distribution of these killer psychiatric drugs, we were a nation of
unrestricted gun ownership and had ZERO school and mall shootings.
Due to my persistence in this message, sending out press releases
and blogs on a regular basis, combined with the 523,348 rational and
reasonable students from all walks of life Front Sight has trained
to date, who forward my message to their family and friends, the
country is now coming around to recognize that the TRUE cause of
school shootings is psych drugs and the only REAL defense to armed
attack against school children is immediate armed resistance by
school teachers and administrators.
Nothing else will work better than my two pronged approach to deal
with the true cause of the violence and provide a real solution to
school shootings.
Here are a few samples of my solutions being championed by law
enforcement, legislators, and those who can look at the situation in
a rational and intellectual manner.
Experts Say Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Long List of School Shooting Sprees
Watch this video from Citizens Committee on Human Rights. They have
done the hard research and now say the same thing I said over 12 years
Then see what Michael Moore, the Darling of the Liberal Left,
Anti-Gun Media now has to say about the cause of Columbine. Medical
Doctors and Psychiatrists Now Admit Connections Between Psych Drugs
and Homicidal and Suicidal Actions of Children and Teens:
Michael and I may never agree about the importance of an armed
society to the freedom and protection of law abiding citizens or the
fallacy of gun control, but we could be best friends in our efforts
to expose the truth about the profit driven history of psych drug
prescriptions systematically creating homicidal and suicidal
monsters out of our youth in America. In fact, I stand ready and
willing to assist Michael Moore in any way possible on such an
Even the mainstream media is now seeing the light. Fox National News
reporter Douglas Kennedy exposes the link between psychiatric drugs
and school shootings:
Why must we as a nation, continue to pay such a steep price in grief
and shattered lives for failing to do what is right by allowing our
teachers to protect themselves and their children?
When are we going to wake up as a nation and realize that arming and
training our teachers is the answer?
And more importantly, when will we acknowledge that Psych Drugs, NOT
GUNS, are Doing the Killing!
12 years ago, I asked a very pointed question in a press release
sent to the National Wire Service immediately following the killings
at Columbine High School.
A few days after the Virginia Tech Massacre, I again asked the same
very direct question.
And today, after the Newton Connecticut massacre, I am once again
asking the very same pointed question...
I am asking, "How many times must we experience another Littleton,
Colorado or Virginia Tech or Newtown Connecticut before we wake up,
study the research and adopt policies which actually reduce crime and
begin saving our children instead of leaving them helpless victims
when the next psych drug user snaps?"
After Columbine, while most journalists and lawmakers focused on
whether or not my answer to protecting children by arming teachers
was the right solution, it seems everyone missed my understanding of
the root cause that drove these kids to commit such atrocities!
The root cause was and continues to be the psych drugs that are being
pushed on our children!
In some cases children as young as kindergarten age!
After Columbine, nobody wanted to believe the founder and director
of the nation's largest firearms training institute when he pointed
his finger at psych drugs as the cause of the problem. During
numerous radio, TV and newspaper interviews I would bring it up and
it would fall on deaf ears with no reaction at all.
So I spent $300,000 to create a Hollywood produced, award winning DVD
entitled Front Sight Story, Chapter One: Your Legacy.
In "Your Legacy," I interviewed people of age who actually
experienced an America when guns were so freely available to
children and youth, that you could order them through the mail with
no ID required, no waiting period, and literally carry them to
school to place in the back of the classroom with no problems at
During this time, when guns were the most accessible in our
country's entire history, there were no school shootings, drive by
shootings, or murderous teenage rampages.
What changed? Here is what changed: Powerful psych drugs were
developed and became the profitable, prescription answer to a wide
variety of extremely questionable if not outright fabricated mental
disorder diagnosis of youth.
Little Johnny doesn't want to go to school? Take this pill...
Little Johnny isn't learning? Take this pill...
Little Johnny feels anxious? Take this pill...
Little Johnny is sad? Take this pill...
Little Johnny is restless? Take this pill...
Little Johnny is rebellious? Take this pill...
And once Little Johnny started taking the brightly colored pills to
handle the normal challenges of youth that every prior generation
had overcome naturally through the process of social maturity,
Little Johnny began the downward spiral of adverse prescription drug
side effects leading to multiple prescription, psycho drug
cocktails... stronger drugs... physical and psychological
dependency... and the now infamous and reoccurring homicidal and
suicidal reactions caused by these very powerful, mind bending
There is a truism I keep posted on the wall above my computer. It
reads, "People of integrity expect to be believed. When they are
not, they let time prove them right."
Well, unfortunately and tragically in this case, time has proven me
right, time and time again! Numerous school shootings over the last
several years ALL linked to children and teens under the influence
of powerful, prescribed psych drugs!
Psych Drugs, NOT GUNS, Are the Common Deadly Thread in School Shootings!
And now, instead of Dr. Ignatius Piazza, the Founder and Director of
Front Sight saying, "Its Psych Drugs, Not Guns, Doing the Killing" I
am getting assistance in spreading my message from law enforcement
to legislators and every person who can look at the situation from a
rational and intellectual viewpoint.
Now that people on both sides of the gun control debate agree that
psych drugs are creating suicidal and homicidal maniacs out of our
youth, the time has come to expose the truth to all of America.
You can help save today's youth from further psych drug abuse and
protect America's next generation from the horrors of psych drug
prescriptions. It only takes 10% of the population to unite, stand
up and say, "No more!" for social movements to succeed. You CAN do
something about this!
Simply spread this press release far and wide to all on your lists and
ask your friends and family to do the same.
Instead of circulating the latest joke or cartoon of the week, make
the entirety of this earth-shattering truth the next e-mail that
goes 'round the world'! Don't rely on anyone else to do what you
should do. Don't be apathetic.
Take one minute to do the right thing and you will feel great about
it for the rest of your life because the future children you save
from psych drug addiction or being shot by a psych drugged maniac
may be your own children or grandchildren...
Psych Drugs, Not Guns, are Doing the Killing!
Get your free DVD copy of Dr. Ignatius Piazza's, Front Sight Story,
Chapter One: Your Legacy
For More Information on Front Sight Firearms Training Institute and
Dr. Ignatius Piazza's free, 15 Gun Training Reports click here.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
7975 Cameron Drive, #900
Windsor, CA 95492
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute is committed to the best
email practices and has been accredited by the Institute for Spam and
Internet Public Policy meeting the requirements for listing in their
SuretyMail IADB Email Accreditation Program. Our IADB registration
number is 2007043000543. For more information see
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To see past items sent go to:

Monday, December 17, 2012


Information go to  Friday December 14, 2012 listen and follow the instructions that they give.  Basically need to contact your Reps.  There is a tab at the bottom to get you your reps information.  If this goes through our plans will be effected dramatically and it is likely to be negative. So get this done today.

Live Free, Make it happen.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Class 1 Democrats Destroy Second Amendment With Plans To Dis-Arm Veterans

Amendment 2

Class 1 UN Control Of The Internet Would Mean UN Control Of Free Speech

Amendment 1

Class 1 Michigan House Passes Bill Blocking NDAA Detention

This is a good idea I thought.  Bill of Rights Amendment 5 and 10.  Creating good state laws to prevent Federal takeover.

Welcome Freedom Fighters

This is a letter to tell you that the freedom fighters have grown big enough to start the e-mail listings.  We will be doing as much as we can, as often as we can and as funding becomes more available we will hire people to do a lot of the news searching for us.
This is how we will run it so that you don't get overwhelmed.

 The information will come in classifications to give us the ability to know what level of urgency  to give each piece you receive.

Class I:  information that you may want to know but that requires no action.

Class II:  information that something should be done about, but as a group whole we do not have the

resources  to take it on as a group.  If you have means individually, please do so and report back anything that could potentially make it possible for other freedom fighters to now jump on board.

Class III: information that we are getting directly involved, but it is on a small or local type item, and may not require the action of everyone in the group.  If it is not in your local communities and you still want to do something, then by all means make it happen and report back so that we can announce it to give others ideas on what they can do and show people that they are not alone in this fight.

Class IV:  THIS SHOULD ALWAYS GET OPENED.  It is training and information to equip yourself with and to armor yourself up with as you go out and fight the good fight of freedom.  Knowledge is power and so if you miss this you will not have as much power as you could have had.

Class V:  THIS SHOULD ALWAYS GET OPENED.  This is a national issue that will need action from all freedom fighters in the group and outside of the group.  It will come with instructions to get you started with such as, go to this place and sign this petition, and also further instructions that your group leaders, that are built in via the natural design of the program, will be spear-heading at the local level and so you will need to get in contact with them and find out what your part is to play.  Items could be defensive in nature or offensive in nature.

Also a blog has been created to help us out:

This blog will serve two purposes:

One: to give our freedom fighters all the back-logged or archived items that have been sent in the past so that we don't need to resend old items for new people.  This way they can still get all the back-logged information without us having to keep up with all 6 million plus of you individually. 

Two: to give our freedom fighters links to pro-family/pro-freedom organizations that we should be supporting, either by being customers, or through other types of participation.   I would encourage everyone who is a freedom fighter to use every freedom the Creator granted to us, through the Constitution and Bill of Rights by inspiring our founding fathers to putting it in there, every chance they get.  If you can own a gun, do it and get training with the it, not because you plan on ever needing it, but because it is a right and you can.  If you are religious, then practice your religion everyday, not because you're some religious extremest, but because it is your right to do so.  If you see something that is Constitutionally unsound in your local community, then use your right to peacefully assemble and  your right to petition and right of freedom of press etc, not because you are personally getting affected by the wrong, but because it is your right to protect the freedom of others, as well as yourself.

If it ever becomes a problem that people who are freedom haters start getting on there and making non pertinent comments then we will lock it down and do by invite only.  Other wise you can give known freedom fighters the address if you want but I would recommend that you only give it to people that are already in our "system."  Being an informed people is good but only this side of worthless.  Action, doing something about the problem (like becoming a free client and purchasing stuff you already spend money on from other freedom fighters that can now use that money to buy training for you and fight battles that take money for you) is the best measure of if someone is a fighter or just a freedom moocher.  If you can't even commit to swamping 10 things a month to freedom then you are a moocher, or have no income and will jump on board asap.  The blog is not meant to be a communication hub, but merely to serves the two purposes stated above.  Communication needs to move through the lines of sponsorship so that everyone has a smaller work load and maximum efficiency gets achieved.  That is the other reason people need to be in our system so that they have there local point of contact.

If you have questions or concerns or news contributions then use this e-mail to send it to me and I will try and get it out to everybody. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012


 This blog will serve two purposes:

One: to give our freedom fighters all the back-logged or archived items that have been sent in the past so that we don't need to resend old items for new people.  This way they can still get all the back-logged information without us having to keep up with all 6 million plus of you individually. 

Two: to give our freedom fighters links to pro-family/pro-freedom organizations that we should be supporting, either by being customers, or through other types of participation.   I would encourage everyone who is a freedom fighter to use every freedom the Creator granted to us, through the Constitution and Bill of Rights by inspiring our founding fathers to putting it in there, every chance they get.  If you can own a gun, do it and get training with the it, not because you plan on ever needing it, but because it is a right and you can.  If you are religious, then practice your religion everyday, not because you're some religious extremest, but because it is your right to do so.  If you see something that is Constitutionally unsound in your local community, then use your right to peacefully assemble and  your right to petition and right of freedom of press etc, not because you are personally getting affected by the wrong, but because it is your right to protect the freedom of others, as well as yourself.

The information will come in classifications to give us the ability to know what level of urgency  to give each piece you receive/see posted here.

Class I:  information that you may want to know but that requires no action.

Class II:  information that something should be done about, but as a group whole we do not have the
resources  to take it on as a group.  If you have means individually, please do so and report back anything that could potentially make it possible for other freedom fighters to now jump on board.

Class III: information that we are getting directly involved, but it is on a small or local type item, and may not require the action of everyone in the group.  If it is not in your local communities and you still want to do something, then by all means make it happen and report back so that we can announce it to give others ideas on what they can do and show people that they are not alone in this fight.

Class IV:  THIS SHOULD ALWAYS GET OPENED.  It is training and information to equip yourself with and to armor yourself up with as you go out and fight the good fight of freedom.  Knowledge is power and so if you miss this you will not have as much power as you could have had.

Class V:  THIS SHOULD ALWAYS GET OPENED.  This is a national issue that will need action from all freedom fighters in the group and outside of the group.  It will come with instructions to get you started with such as, go to this place and sign this petition, and also further instructions that your group leaders, that are built in via the natural design of the program, will be spear-heading at the local level and so you will need to get in contact with them and find out what your part is to play.  Items could be defensive in nature or offensive in nature.